
Coup: Tinubu Directs Islamic Clerics To Return To Niger

 After a closed-door meeting with the president, Ustaz Abdullahi Bala-Lau, leader of the delegation, said that Tinubu was desirous of avoiding the use of force at resolving the crisis and restoring constitutional order to Niger. He said that Tinubu accepted their suggestions to avoid the use of force in settling disputes of any kind, especially concerning neighbours and long time allies. “The president was receptive of our suggestions about avoiding the use of force by all means. Just as we have spoken to the leaders in Niger and they accepted to avoid violence, the president also accepted it. “That is why he is sending us back to Niger to continue with the dialogue about restoring constitutional order to the country. He also directed us to remind the military leaders that there is a pending ECOWAS decisions about the takeover,” Bala-Lau said. He said that the intervention of the Ulamas had been positive, adding that it allowed the junta to accept the ECOWAS delegation of the retired G

Oluwo seeks Chinese investment, says community safe

  Oluwo seeks Chinese investment, says community safe The Paramount Ruler of Iwoland, Oba Abdulrosheed Akanbi, on Wednesday, told the Chinese Minister to Nigeria, Cui Jianchun, that Iwo is ok for business and ventures. Oluwo requested that Jianchun focus on his area, Iwo, in anything venture and business ties China would have with Nigeria. Akanbi settled on this decision during his visit to the envoy in Abuja. He further approached the envoy to work intimately with the new government to guarantee worked on monetary ties. He said, "I ask the Chinese Minister to Nigeria, Cui Jianchun, to work intimately with the new government for a better financial tie. The instability is being checked and obliterated. Nigeria is currently more secure for business. In my space, Iwo, and my state, Osun, is business-accommodating. Your organizations and ventures are protected with greatest profit."sacrifices on streets  Endowment: Discourse with FG, Oluwo urges trade guilds The Oluwo additionall

Dozens feared killed, others trapped as Abuja high-rise building collapses

 Affirming the occurrence, the Government Crisis The executives Authority said that 37 individuals had been safeguarded, while two were lethally harmed. The Chief General of FEMA, Dr Abbass Idriss, in a fast delivery on Thursday morning, said the 37 safeguarded people had all been taken to different clinical offices in Abuja, and that salvage endeavors were continuous, in a joint effort with other salvage organizations. "37 people were protected alive, while 2 others were lethally harmed. In the mean time, FEMA Search and Salvage group are anticipating earthmovers to escalate the hunt to guarantee that no casualty is left in the rubble of the imploded assembling". "A consolidated group of the FCT Crisis The board Organization (FEMA), Government Street Security Corps,(FRSC),FCT Police Order, and the VIO are on the ground to complete the salvage endeavors". An observer who was at the scene affirmed to an internet based stage (not The PUNCH) that the structure housed n

UK Govt: Nigerian Army partner on training

 The chief of Army Staff, Lt. Gen. Taoreed Lagbaja, has said the Nigerian Armed force and the English Government have communicated availability to fortify ties on faculty preparing and the securing of hardware. He expressed that the cooperation would give the open door to the Military to partake in the English Armed force's rich experience and ability in different regions, for example, counter-psychological oppression, harmony backing, coordinated factors, and knowledge, among others Lagbaja talked on Wednesday, August 2023, when he got the Assembled Realm Pastor of State for Military and Veterans, Mr James Heappey, and his escort at the Military Central command, Abuja. This was contained in an explanation by the Chief, Armed force Advertising, Brig. Gen. Onyema Nwachukwu on Wednesday. "The Military Boss likewise asserted that the obtaining of value gear and innovation through this association is supposed to work on the functional productivity and viability of the Nigerian Arm

The first womb transplant carried out in UK

  The first womb transplant has been done by specialists on a lady in the Unified Realm. The lady's sister was the living belly benefactor. As per The Watchman on Wednesday, the unidentified 34-year-old wedded beneficiary from Britain went through a nine-hour relocate strategy. The wedded lady was brought into the world with an intriguing condition, it was immature to mean her unique belly. She got a benefactor belly from her 40-year-old sister, who previously had two offspring of her ownThe beneficiary was brought into the world with Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser condition, which is an uncommon ¬congenital regenerative confusion that influences one out of 5,000 ladies. Victims of this condition have an immature vagina and additionally missing belly. The co-lead specialist Isabel Quiroga, an expert specialist at the Oxford Relocate Center, part of Oxford College clinics, said she was "excited" and "incredibly glad" the medical procedure had been a triumph. The

BBNaija All Stars: Seyi Apologises For Saying ‘Misogynistic’ Comments About Females

 Seyi offered his statement of regret after he was called to the journal room on Tuesday night by Elder sibling and made mindful of a portion of his expressions about ladies. He said, "I think between Sunday morning, I directed a few extremely dull sentiments toward some two or three housemates at the time which I in a real sense recollected yesterday and I'm not glad for and embarrassed about it. Furthermore, I need to apologize to every one of the ladies in the house genuinely." "Let us know what we need to excuse you for," the female housemates asked, yet he answered saying that they would comprehend when they go out and heads up. "I said a sickening and humiliating things to my individual, not to my individual but rather things I shouldn't have said and am truly and earnestly saying 'sorry' and will by and by apologize to whoever I was considering when I offered the remarks." Seyi during a discussion with Whitemoney after the Saturday n

"Afrobeat has no substance, it's just vibe" -Burner Boy-

 Grammy-winning Nigerian vocalist, Damini Ogulu, otherwise known as Burna Boy, has stated that the afrobeats classification needs melodious substance, focusing on that it is "only an extraordinary time." As indicated by him, the class is "in a don't real sense anything." The so called "African Giant" expressed this in a new meeting with Apple Music's Zane Lowe in New York. He said, "90% of them [Nigerian musicians] have no genuine encounters which is the reason the greater part of Nigerian music or African music or afrobeats as individuals call it, is for the most part about nothing, in a don't real sense anything. "There is no substance to it — like, no one is looking at anything in it. it is only an incredible time. It's an astonishing time. Be that as it may, by the day's end, life is certainly not an astounding time. Regardless of how pleasant of a period you are having now or you had eventually or you intend to have, you